Apple iMovie – The modern editing tool for modern peoples!
We all heard about Apple iMovie. And also know the Apple iMovie is the Video Editing Software made by Apple Inc. itself. But many people say that Apple iMovie is the best Video Editing Application for every new video editing beginner.
Is it right?
So today we are going to discuss some points by which we can understand how Apple iMovie is beneficial to us in video editing. And is it really the best editing software for the Beginners? If yes, then why? Which features make it best Editing Software at ever?
Let’s Start…
What is Apple iMovie?
Apple iMovie is the video editing software which is designed and developed by Apple Inc. When Apple designed and developed this software their motto was to help those people who want to convert the normal video into the masterpiece of creativity. And with this motto, Apple started developing this software. After successful development, the first version of Apple iMovie was released in the year 1997. At that time iMovie has very limited features. But with time Apple makes some changes and added some more features into it. Finally in 2003 Apple makes it perfect video editing software and started to give it to the user as prebuilt Software. And now it is available for gadgets which are developed by Apple including iPhone, iPad, iMac, and MacBook.
As Apple says…
Turn your videos into movie magic.
-Apple Inc.
Now in the year, 2018 Apple provide almost each and every feature in iMovie which is necessary for the complete video production. With Apple iMovie, you can now edit your videos easily and make it stunning videos… Apple gives almost each and every feature of this software. We discuss it’s some features later in this article. But if you want to know more about its feature than check Features of Apple iMovie. In this software, you can edit and produce video output to High-Resolution Media including 4K. And the Interesting Part it Apple was doing this all things for Free of Cost.
Unlike other video editing software, you don’t need your heavy PC system or Laptop every time for editing your clips. Apple also developed its version for the iPhone and iPad also. So you can easily edit, watch and render videos directly on your Mobile or Tablet device.
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How to use Apple iMovie on the iPhone to edit video like Movie Trailer?
Don’t have iMovie?
Download iMovie for Windows 10
But still after knowing this how we can believe that iMovie is Best for Beginner?
No Problem… When I’m new to iMovie. The same question rises into my mind. So that’s why I do one comparison and listed out all the Good and Bad point of some popular video editing software. And then after Checking out all of them I get the right answer. The answer is iMovie. Here are all the plus points and features which make it Best Video Editing Software…
Why Apple iMovie is the best Video Editing Software for Beginners?
Easy to Edit
Editing Videos on mobile Platform are never been an easy task. Because when you’re editing movies you have to deal with many things like adding the title, setting up the clip, cropping the videos, applying the effects and much more. But with iMovie, this all becomes very easy to do. With it’s stunning and user-friendly Interface anyone can easily perform all the operation with just a few taps of fingers!
From the starting of your software to producing the final clip. This whole process is going to become so easy because Apple gives some Special Functionalities into the Software. Like Pre-Created Title Templates, Extra High-Quality Sound Effects, Special Filters Effects, and much more. And the all credit of thanks is going to apple.ccom interactive
User Interface
Unlike some other Editing Software, Apple was not trying to give the number of menus and buttons. But instead of that, Apple added some extra attention to the User Interface which added plus point to prove that this was the Best Video Editing Software ever!
Available on Every Platform
No matter which platform you are using! Because the company builds the software for all its gadgets including iPhone, iMac, iPad, and MacBook Series. So now you can access your file and edit your clip anytime at anywhere. But the Question is how you can manage all the data on all the device at the same time.
iCloud – Hey don’t forgot me!
It’s time when I cloud comes into the Play! You can easily save your project files to the iCloud so you can access them from any corner of the world!
Output to Social Media
Nowadays all the software giving the support of direct social media uploading. And producing the clip based on the platform. But before some time this feature is not available for everyone! So at that time, Apple added the functionality into the iMovie so you can easily Upload iMovie video to your Social Media directly or get the Output according to the platform on which we use it!
So these all the things and proof which gives a very strong reason for the iMovie to called as Best Video Editing Software. Not only the best but this all features makes it very easy to access. So, I would always like to recommend iMovie for every video editing beginner…
Download iMovie for Windows 10
It’s your turn…
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